Our Services

RRSS is a non-profit society that has been providing person centered supports to individuals with intellectual disabilities in communities since 1979. Over the years we have continued to grow, develop, and enhance our services to promote community inclusion, independence, and individual rights. RRSS utilizes internal and external resources as part of our holistic approach in supporting the health and wellness of individuals and their changing needs.

Referral for services comes through the Department of Community Services. Following a referral there is a comprehensive process and transition period involving meeting and getting to know the individual, their family, and significant others. RRSS recognizes the importance of this collaboration to ensure success when transitioning an individual to their new home, and our Resident Services department is an integral part of this transition.

Apply For Services

Department of Community Services To apply for services through the Department of Community Services, visit their website where you can review available programs and resources.