Our Mission

Regional Residential Services Society (RRSS) offers residential choices that support the individual dreams and goals of adults with intellectual disabilities. Our work is guided by a set of Principles & Philosophies and a Code of Ethics.

Our Focus

RRSS strives to enhance the quality of life for the individuals we support. Selecting “Regional” as a part of our name signifies the importance of community and family in the lives of persons with disabilities. RRSS works to ensure individuals live in proximity to people with whom they share family/friendship ties in their home communities; this is fundamental to providing opportunity to strengthen, extend, and secure significant relationships and socially valued roles.

We take pride in our homes being just another home in the neighbourhood where individuals are active and contributing members of their community alongside their neighbours, families, and friends.  By participating as active members of the Resident Council, the RRSS Board of Directors, Agency Committees, employee selection panels, and in staff training and orientation, the people supported guide our direction and strengthen our leadership into the future.

With the support of documents like "Choice, Equality and Good Lives in Inclusive Communities" RRSS envisions a future, directed by the individuals we support, as follows:

• Community, community, community – advancing social inclusion.

• With person directed planning and individualized funding individuals will direct their supports.

• Flexibility in funding to address the changing needs of individuals in a timely and responsive way.

• Individuals receiving supports through RRSS will inform our practice and our future directions by participating in quality assurance strategies through committee engagement and staff selection processes.

• Individuals continue to be supported in assuming valued social roles in their communities and are recognized as contributing members of society.


We are a not-for-profit society with oversight by a volunteer Board of Directors. The Board exercises stewardship, vision, and policy direction for our society. Learn about our Board of Directors.